Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I got Married Y'all ! !

First off I would like to congratulate my-self for doing the unthinkable, the unimaginable, the almost impossible, I got married y'all!! So self ,Congratulations. Wow!  That was one hell of an intro, but being married is nothing, and I repeat; nothing like I thought it would be. So how did you think it would be?  Well my thoughts on marriage were very misconstrued from the beginning of time, or shall I say from the beginning of my time. To get a clear understanding of my thoughts on marriage, we must travel back to the late 80's. Yes I think it was around 1989 when I first asked my mother " Why aren't you and daddy married" the response I got was "Go ask your daddy".  So I go into the back yard, where I could usually find him in his wood shop, creating things and drinking beer, but mostly drinking beer, and I ask the very same question " Why aren't you and mom married" and with a slight dip of the eyebrow he replied "Go as your mother". It was at this point that I realized  the answer to this question would be a very slippery one; one that I may never get a direct answer to.

So now you can see why I may have had some preconceived thoughts about the institution of marriage. As a young man, how could I have learned to be a husband, if I was never exposed to a person that was a husband? Dad, (hint-hint) Of course I had aunts and uncles that were married, but I'm talking about a more personal influence, like your parents, you know the people you live with, the ones that are suppose to teach you these things.  Now before I go to into to much detail about my parents not being married, I would like say "Thanks Joe" (that's my father) because he was there every day of my life teaching me every thing about life as he knew it, but how can you teach something that you don't know.

Now as we all know, the things we don't learn from home we learn from friends, TV, movies and other unreliable sources. A common term for this is called "Learning on the Streets" and its basically the stuff that young adults kinda have to figure out for themselves, but it is just certain things you don't leave hanging in the balance, you know like telling your kids to brush your teeth, change your under ware and oh yea let me tell your little bit about being married. This is the type of stuff we should be talking to our children about, but that neither here nor there. OK back to the story, so growing from a child and seeing my parents and the majority of my family unmarried, to a young adult and seeing so many of  my close friends going through very bad marriages, being married was never in the plan for me. But oh how quickly things can change.

Now lets jump to February 12, 2011 3 o'clock p.m., a warm day for February in Utah, 57 degrees if I remember correctly, and if you ever been to Utah in the winter, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. The stage is set, the church is filled with flowers, the guest are seated and waiting. I was a nervous wreck, trying to play it cool, but every one could see the look of nervousness on my face through my lightly tinted eye glasses. The music is playing softly in the background, but all I can hear is the butterfly's in my stomach. "Lord am I doing the right thing? Is this your next step for my life?" these are some of the questions floating in my head, as I stand next to my  groom's men. My buddy Louis keeps asking "You OK big dog"  I reply "I'm good" in a very soft, unsure voice.  The moment of truth arrives and I can see by beautiful bride to be, being escorted down the isle by my soon to be father in-law. I thought to my self , "It's now or never, run or be Married". So guess what? I Got Married Y'all !!!!

The events stated above are the true and actual events of the Young, Black, and Married.

1 comment:

  1. I must say I am so happy that Carlos finally admitted how nervous he was on our wedding day. I had never been so nervous in my life and my dad thought I was going to go into labor while walking down the aisle. Our wedding was beautiful and everyone was crying. It was the best thing that has ever happened to me that i never thought i would do or wanted to do for that matter. When you meet that right one that makes you think about marriage pay attention because I DID.
